The much anticipated “Lazy Bones Sunday” has arrived. There are rules. Campers may not leave their rooms till 8 am. They must leave quietly trying not to disturb anyone still sleeping especially their counselors! They can play tennis, gaga, basketball etc. The dinning hall opens at nine and closes at 10:00. A true lazy camper/counselor can sleep till 10 and just appear at the line up. Campers have the option of cold cereal, yogurt and assorted fruits, bagels, and toast. The perk on Sunday…… Koop has a huge assortment of dunkin donuts. LIMIT TWO PER CAMPER.

The morning is free play. Campers really enjoy the loose structure after a long hard week at their majors and minors. Three buses pulled in promptly at three. Campers all wearing their “Bridgton Blues” boarded the busses for a pizza picnic and off to the Sea Dogs game. After the game there is an amazing display of fireworks. I’m sure you will get all the details tomorrow evening when you receive the long awaited phone call.

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