Thursday – UPDATE

Thursday #1 of Session Two was a typical day at Bridgton Sports Camp. The hottest day of camp so far, the sun was out nearly all day with the temperature in the high 70’s. Our campers and counselors, with the aid of sunscreen and full water bottles, enjoyed their day in the sun.

By the fourth day of majors, we’ve settled into the rhythm of those sessions, with teaching points becoming consistent. Hockey followed the same routine today, with edgework and some basic team concepts in the morning, followed by age-specific scrimmages in the afternoon. Basketball had another session of individual work transition into some competitive drills. Ball-handling and footwork were emphasized before playing 4-vs.4 with a focus on team defense. On the diamond, baseball majors focused on fielding, specifically from the infield positions. Then, the campers worked on fundamentals such as bunting and base-running. Lacrosse majors, meanwhile, worked on passing and advantage situations such as 3-vs.-2s, before the goalies faced shots. Finally, soccer majors worked on basic team concepts like scoring off through-balls, before ending with a scrimmage.

The afternoon was once again spent in minor sessions, with all campers who played basketball getting to use the indoor gym for the first time this summer. And for our snack period, we treated the campers to a treat, with an ice-cream truck stopping by campus. All-in-all, a busy day, which left campers hungry for a delicious dinner of steak, potatoes, and green beans. Hard to believe Week 1 is nearly in the books!

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