Monday – UPDATE

We started our third and final week of Session One at BSC this Monday, under a cloudy sky that turned into sunshine by the end of the day. We had our usual morning, with our youngest campers rising at 7:45 AM, eating a breakfast of french toast and sausage, before heading back to their dorms to clean. The pro and senior divisions followed with the same routine half an hour later.

Majors were also in full effect, today. At the arena, our basketball majors focused on more individual, offensive skill work, before closing the period by focusing on some team defensive concepts. They did not scrimmage, but many of the drills were competitive, where we saw the tremendous progress made over these last two weeks come to light. And that was the theme of the day across majors. It’s surprising how two solid weeks of practice can improve your game, but maybe it shouldn’t be. At our full-camp lineup in the evening, our counselors stressed the improvement they’ve noticed over the past 15 days, and how it reflects not only on their coaching ability, but the campers’ work ethic. That includes our hockey majors, which were full of scrimmages today, in which the level of competition reached its peak, thus far. It also includes our baseball majors, who also held a full scrimmage today after both infield and outfield drills. Lacrosse majors have started to implement more game-like drills, playing 4-on-3 today after individual work concluded, and soccer followed similarly, practicing their advantage situations before ending with a scrimmage.

Minors were also competitive on Monday, after a restful, recharging day on Sunday. There were full-court, and 2-on-2 competitions at basketball periods, while flag football featured some outstanding individual efforts. The rookies concluded their tennis tournament under the hot sun, and later started the first round of Bridgton Sports League, which featured intense bouts at the GaGa ball and newcomb courts. And after their dinner of pasta and vegetables, the pro and senior divisions followed suit, before winding down our night by watching what turned into a thrilling MLB Home Run Derby.

With just four full days left, campers are starting to grasp that their camp experience is soon coming to an end. There’s an emphasis during this final week on making the most out of each day, and we certainly did that Monday.

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