My blog is dedicated to hockey majors today. They had “dry land” this morning. No skates and on the football turf they ran at least 5 laps around the field. This was followed by a series of strenuous drills. The drills were demanding and took a lot of strength. The older boys were coaching and encouraging the younger ones that were having trouble. Looking at the pictures will give you a better idea of the different drills. Needless to say the hockey majors were totally exhausted and loved the idea of a free swim this afternoon. Some of the hockey guys opted to go out of camp for a street hockey match.

The 16 and under boys hosted another camp in a game of hoops. I forgot to mention we won last night, but were not as lucky this afternoon.

The weather is still warm up here but little to no humidity. The lake was in full swing. I got to see my first canoe over canoe rescue. Campers always enjoy tipping the canoe’s and now they know how to reenter them. Great rescue drill that is fun to do on a hot day.

Rumor has it that tonight is movie night.

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