A Great Monday

Campers now have had a full day of “majors”, “minors”, and choose up. Walking the fields I watched soccer, baseball, basketball & lax do drills with plenty of instruction. Three cheers to all our coaches!! They are doing what they’re passionate about and it really shows.

We always have two line ups. One before lunch and one before dinner. This is where we cheer and applaud the accomplishments of campers at different activities. Dillon is amazed at the talent on the soccer field. We had some first time ever campers get up on skies. We also had “THE BUCKET.” You’ll have to ask your sons about that tradition.

Hockey was a welcome relief from the fields. It had to have been 50 degrees cooler at the rink.

After dinner camper were divided into teams for the scavenger hunt. Koop will be taking winning team out of camp for ice cream. A great first day!!! I’m exhausted, but after a full day the boys are at the gaga pit. I’m sure everybody will sleep good tonight.

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