Friday July 6th – Perfect Weather & Casino Night

Today was a great day here at BSC as the weather was perfect! After a short morning shower, it was sunny and in the 70s for the rest of the day. In the morning, campers went to their second and third period majors and minors as we had an hour late wake up. At lunch, we were treated to chicken parmesan and cookies for dessert by the BSC kitchen staff. There were three intercamp events that took place throughout the day including a basketball tournament at Indian Acres, a baseball game at Micah, and dodgeball at Wigwam.

After rest hour, we had a normal schedule on a beautiful afternoon as campers went to their 3rd, 4th, and 5th period majors and minors. At dinner, it was announced that tonight would be casino night! Casino night is when we set up the Wolverine Den as a casino and put out games such as black jack, poker, and a ring toss. Campers are given fake money that they can play with and those with the most money at the end of the night win prizes. The night was once again a success! Pictures from the event will be posted on the website soon.

With just one week of camp left (!!), campers can’t wait for color war!

Until next time,


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