Color War Break

Color War Has Been Broken!! – The pros and seniors experienced this last night and the rookies early this morning. Here’s a little recap of how it all went down….

The Midnight Surprise

For the professional and senior divisions, we woke the campers up at midnight and ushered them up to the turf fields. Tiki Torches lit the pathway up to the field where counselors were waiting. Spotlights shined on the 50 yard line as all the kids gathered around. After a few minutes of discussing color war and what it means at camp, we decided to have some fun…We then told them that it was a “fake break” and said they had to go back to bed.

Just as everyone began to head down the hill, there was a big commotion amongst the counselors. A fake argument occurred between an admin and a counselor about waking the campers up so late. There was absolute silence before we yelled we were kidding. And as that happened, the spotlights went back on and color war banners were dropped from the top of the tower for all to see. The campers went nuts and started yelling. Campers and counselors then headed to the gym for a game of dodgeball for the first points of color war! After going down early, the Capitals staged an unbelievable comeback and ended up taking the first event of color war before going back to their dorms for the night.

Munchkins’ & Gaga

For the rookie division, campers were awakened at 8 a.m. to music being played by the color war captains! Every morning, Marty, the rookie division leader odes a room buddy check before heading to breakfast. This morning he added one room at the end and that’s when the captains came running out. Everyone then sprinted out of the dorm and followed the captains to everyone’s favorite place on campus; The Gaga-Pit. Before the game began, each camper was given some Munchkins by Koop. Then , the 2 teams took to the pit to play a best of five series. In the end, the Warriors took the series by a score of 3-2. After dodgeball from last night, and gaga this morning, we begin the day all tied up!

The competitive spirit is in the air here at BSC now more than ever! Stay tuned for much more to come.

Until next time,


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